Kaal Sarpa

Kaal Sarpa

Some astrological charts are strongly influenced by the Rahu (North node of Moon) & Ketu (South nodes of the Moon). This condition is generally considered to be adverse, but can be relieved through a kaal-Sarpa puja.

Kinds and effects of Kaal-Sarp Yoga in life

Rahu & Ketu
1st & 7th
Troubles in family life, and chronic health problems
2nd & 8th
Expenditure of money and domestic troubles
3rd & 9th
Problems to Siblings, trouble from friends, bad luck
Shankh Pal
4th & 10th
Problems with mother, vehicles and at residence
5th & 11th
Problems with spouse and children
Maha Padma
6th & 12th
Health problems, debts, problems with enemies
7th & 1st
Loss in business and problems in matrimonial life
8th & 2nd
Problems with wife and accidents
Shankh Chur
9th & 3rd
Problems with father, heavy bad luck
10th & 4th
Problem in business and job career
Vish Dhar
11th & 5th
Problems in financial business terms
Shesh Naag
12th & 6th
Mounting expenditure and problems with enemies

Please contact Shastriji if you have any question or you want to be done Kaal-Sarp puja for you.