Good to Know

Good to Know

Hindu Scriptures

Nine kinds of Devotions: 1. to Listen, 2. Sing, 3. Worship, 4. Bowing down, 5. Serving, 6. Thinking, 7. Dedication, 8. Humility, 9. Intimacy.
Nine Kinds of Ego: 1. Possession, 2. Wealth, 3. Singing hymns, 4. Knowledge, 5. Education, 6. Beauty, 7. Youth, 8. Family lineage, 9. Cast or sect

Five Koshas or Coverings:

  1. Annamaya, (Gross physicals body made of and sustained by food),
  2. Pranamaya (vital covering consisting of five Praanaas or vital force),
  3. Manomaya (mental cover),
  4. Vigyaanmaya (cover of intelligence),
  5. Anandamaya (cover of bliss).

Five Enemies: 1. Lust, 2. Anger, 3. Greed, 4. Attachment & Jealousy, 5. Ego.
Three Stages of Life: 1. Childhood, 2.Young, 3. Old.
Three Gurus: 1. Mother, 2. Father, 3.Teacher.
Five Gods in Sanatan: 1. Vishnu, 2. Sun, 3. Shakti, 4. Shiva, 5. Ganesh.

They represent: Aakashasya patir Vishnu, Agneshcheva maheshwaro, Waayaoh Suryaoh Kshiteresho Jeevanasya Ganaadhipa. Vishnu is the Lord of space and sky, Sun of air, Shiva of fire, Durga of Earth and Ganesha is the Lord of water.

Five Great Elements: 1. Earth (soil), 2. Air, 3. Water, 4. Space, 5. Fire
Three Gunas: Satwa (Purity), Rajas (Luxury), Tamas (ignorance)

Three Types of Karma:
1. Prarabdha (that which was seeded in the last life and received in this life)
2. Sanchit (that which we do in this life and receive the fruit in this life),
3. Kriyamaan (that we do in this life and get the result in the next life).

Eighty-four Lakh Species: (8.4 million species): 0.9 million in Water, 2.7 million nonmoving, 1 Million worms, 1 million Birds, 2.3 million Animals, 4 million Human species including ape and monkeys.

Four kinds of ways to make one understand: 1. By teaching, 2. By Penalty, 3. By giving physical and mental pain, 4. By lifelong punishment.
Four Social and Spiritual orders: Brahman, 2. Kshatriya, 3.Vaishya, 4.Shudra

One hundred and eight beads of Mala:
21,600 breaths are divided by two (one half for night, Remaining 10,800 is divided by 100. Some of the Acharyas have set the system that a sanyasi must chant the name of god 10,800 times a day. The figure of 108 is sometimes used in front of the name of a holy or highly respected person who’s connected with god. This results in a person who follows the law of repeating the Lord’s name with half of his life’s breaths.

108 is considered a holy number because there are 27 Nakshatra, each of them has letter for choosing the name of the time. The cycle of time is divided into12 Rashies. Time itself is God. Each and every second, whatever is being produced in this world is because of God. In numerology 108 is 9, number which represents God, complete perfection.

Five kinds of Yagyaas:

  1. Education of holy scripture and to support educator and educatee is called (Brahmayagrya)
  2. Offering something in the name of ancestors is called Pitrayagya,
  3. Puja and Havan is called Devayagya,
  4. Feeding creatures is Bhootyagya.
  5. Feeding and serving anyone in need is called Arthithis Yagya. (i) Brahmacharya (following the rule of strict celibacy of the mind and body and having a student life, learning basic things from mother, social and survival things from father, spiritual things from teacher up-to the age of 25 years. (ii) Grashsatha (iii) Vanprastha: (iv) Sanyaas

Main source of Dharmashastra: 1. Gautama, 2. Boudhayana, 3. Apastamba, 4. Hiranyakeshi, 5. Vashistha, 6. Vishnau dharma, 7. Harita, 8. ShankhaLikhita, 9. Koutilya Baikhanasa, 10. Brahaspati, 11. Manusmriti.

The Two Epics (AD. 7th century):
The Mahabharat written by Vyas contains one hundred thousand verses. It is one of the main scriptures which establishes the rule of life. Mahabharat tells one main thing “Do Your duty”. The Bhagwad Gita itself is taken from this scripture. Another great epic is the Ramayana. Written by Rishi Valmiki ji it contains twenty four thousand verses and also sets forth the rules of life. Other Ramayanas are; Sambritta ramayan, Aagastya Ramayan, Lomash Ramayan, Manjul Ramayan, Soupadhya Ramayan, Ramayan Mahamala, Souhaardra Ramayan, Ramayani Maniratna, Chaandra Ramayan, Maind Ramayana, Swaayambhuva Ramayan, Subhramha Ramayana, Subarchas Ramayan, Deva Ramayan, Shravan ramayan, Udanta Ramayan, Ramayan Champoo, Bhattikavyam, and Ramcharit Manas.

Smrities: 1. Yagnavalkya Smriti, 2. Parasar Smriti, 3. Narad Smriti 4. Brahaspati Smriti.
Four Vedas: 1. Rig, 2. Yajur 3. Saam 4. Atharv

Vaishampayan Dhanurveda (weaponology), Ayruved (Herbal medicine), Aasthavangani (surgery and eight other ways of treatment), Aswinikumar Sanhita (Medicine), Brahatsanhitaa (treating the ill), Pushkal Sanhita (reason of getting sick of ill), Dhanwantari Sutra, Maan Sutra soop Shastram, Jabali Sutra. Banaspati, Nighantu, Arth Shastra (economics), Sampatti Shastram (politics and business), Vyakaran (grammar), Samved (music), Gandharvaved (dance, tune and beats), Gyan kanda (philosophical knowledge), jyotish Shastra (astronomy and astrology ) and prayer etc.

Sapt-Shatu: (Seven tissues) Plasma, Blood, Muscle, Fat, Bone, Marrow, and Nerve.
Three Doshas: Bat (cold), Pitt (temperature), Kaph (abdominal upsetting).
Six-Ras: (Six Tastes) Sweet, Salty, Sour, Pungent, Bitter, and Astringent.

Main Devataas:
Indra (Kind of Devas), Kuber (Treasurer of Devas), Yamaraaj (God of Death), Chitragupta (secretary of Yamaraaj), Agni (fire), Marut (49 living pieces of Diti’s son in the form of air), Aryama (god ancestors), Pusha (God of animals), Ashwini Kumaar (god of herbal medicine), Chandra (goddess of mind), Brahaspati (teacher of Devas), Kartikeya (son of Shiva), Kaamdev (god of lust), prajapati ( son of Brahma and birth giver), Shukra (God of Virtuous and Bhrigythe great astronomer), Bishwakrma (god of construction and manufacturing), Muya (King of demons).

Main Rishies:
Naarad (Devoted mind) Vashisth (Priest of Suryayans), Manu (creator oh human beings through his mind), Vishwamitra (Became Brahman in the same life through his penance), Dadhichi (sacrificer of body for other’s others), Valmiki (Chanting Ram ram became the author of Ramayana), Markandeya (knower of end and beginning of era), Mudgal (respecting the teacher) Shukedeva (the great preacher).

The Holy and Devine Godesses: Sita (Avatar of Bhagawati), Sati Damayanti (the most holy and powerful Devi).

People who bought Revolution in Sanatan:
Shree Shankaraccharya, Kumaril Bhatt, Sri Madhwacharya (1238), ShreeNimbarkacharya, Shree Ballabhacharya, Shree Ramanandacharya, Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Shree kanthacharya, Shree Abhinavaguptacharya, Shree Bhaskaracharya, Sant Tukaramji (1608), Samarth Ramdas Swami (17th century), Sant Gyaneshwar Ji, Guru Nanak Dev ji(1469), Surdas Ji, Tulasi das Ji, (16th Cen.), Narasi Mehta, Swami DayanandSaraswati(1876-), Ramkrishna Paramhansa(1836).

Karmakand: Rishies set fort the system of Rituals, known as Brahmanas. The main Brahmanas are: 1. Aitareya 2. Satpatha, 3. Kaushataki, 4. Taitiriya, 5. Chandogya
Seven Holy Cities: Ayodhya, Haridwaar, Mathura, Kashi, Kanchipur, Puri, Dwarika.
Sapt-Rishi: 1. Vashistha, 2. Atri, 3. Kashyap, 4. Vishwamitra, 5. Bharadwaj, 6. Jamadagni, 7. Gautam.

Six Main Philosophies

  1. Uttar Mimansa of Vyas (vedant) a science of matter and energy, science of
  2. Purv Mimansa of Jaimini, science of rituals to enhance or protect great teachings.
  3. Sankhya of Kapil, Purush and Prakriti, changes in matter, reality of eternal soul.
  4. Yoga of Patanjali, unity with god through physical and mental practices.
  5. Nyaaya of Gautam, law of Karma and judgment with logical facts,
  6. Baisheshik of kand, elements of the universe.

Advait: Advait Philosophy of Shankaracharya: advaita means non-dulaism. This philosophy believes that God is absolute reality and that which inanimates or animates is unreal of maya. Soul is identical with Brahm.
Dvait: Dvait philosophy of Madhavacharya is a philosophy of two. Brahm and Jeev are related to each other. Creation is real act of Brahm.
Dvaita-Advait: of Nimbark explains about Natural dualism and non dualism.
Vishishthadvait: This philosophy of Ramanujacharya means qualified non-dualism. Brahm is the only independent and absolute reality. Atama is not identical with Brahm but, He can be pleased by devotion.
Four houses of Shankaracharya: 1. Puri (East), 2. Dwarika (west) 3. Badrinath (North) 4. Shringeri (south).
Eight kind of Siddhies: 1. Anima 2. Garima 3. Laghima 4. Mahima 5. Praapti 6. Praakamya 7. Ishitwa 8. Bashitwa.
Vikramaditya Year: Vikram Samvat; begun in year 57 BC
Shalivaahan Year: Indian National Calendar; begun in year 78 AD
Ritu: A season, among six, each lasting for 2 months
Age of Kaliyug: An era of 432,000 years
Age of Dwaapar: An era that lasts for 864,000 years
Age of Treta: Era of 1,296,000 years
Age of Satyug: Era of 1,728,000 years

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